Friday, July 20, 2012

final words {on light}

To complete my posts on light, here is a 
humble bit of poetry I wrote a while back. 
Do enjoy.

           Passing through the mountains
there I saw a monk
bathing in a fountain
I watched him as he sunk

       I went to grab him
reaching for his arm
He sang a sparkling hymn of praise
showed no signs of alarm

His skin as smooth as     butter dust
slipping from my reach
light reflected from his flesh
like beams upon the beach

A warmth, I felt, 
as down 
unfolding from the air,
a gold that I could nearly taste
a lightness I could wear

What is this?
I whispered 
with breath of gilded flecks

I felt him sweetly say

And what is light?
I answered back

The source of every flame.

The thread of life is in us all
burning as a fire
joining every vital voice
it's weaving hand can sire

I'm charged by an electric yarn
that sparks within you too
A match that's calling to be lit
but is struck by just a few

A ray of light defies its death
when crashing to the sea
unsuspecting waves reflecting
shimmering debris

So burn strong now, but when death rears
your fear you must resist
for as the sunshaft on the swell,
your light, your love, persist.

Patient water
sealed him neatly
         holy commandant -

All remaining


were  ripples    on      the font.