
Hello there.  Let's start off with a couple of quick introductions.

In fifth grade, Mrs.Roberts taught us all about the great explorers of the world {Ponce de León being my personal fav}. It was a year of the most profound pre-teen self-discovery, as I knew I had finally found my people {minus their rather... exploitative tendencies}. 
Chelsea Fiske: Explorer
I saw no reason to fuss over the relatively ambiguous nature of this occupation at the time of my epiphany. 

That said, I'm not so great at following maps - so it stands to reason that the trajectory of this explorer's life remains remarkably un-plotted. From a Southwest past to a Northwest present, onward toward adventure, I'm a roving rambler, living to connect with a world I love -- to be more specific than that would not do justice to my life's apparently steadfast disregard for specificity.
(See more of my work here: cmfiske.blogspot.com)

My name is Ariana but once you've known me for more than 5 minutes I'm just Ari. I love music (my dream job would to someday be a bonafide Music Supervisor/Curator). I'm a true romantic, always drifting off into the whimsical daydreams of rom-com fantasies. Style blogs are my daily vacation and knitting is my way to unwind ;). I lived in LA for 6 years before Seattle recaptured my heart and set in motion this current journey I'm on. 

So, what is The Newhalem Charter? Well, months back, the two of us drove out to the North Cascades (near the tiny unincorporated mountain community of Newhalem) seeking fresh air and space to think. Space we got, and clarity of mind to boot. We had discovered that, since leaving LA, our focus on creative endeavors had been buried by the everyday necessities of building a new life in a new place. However, our desire to create art that spoke to the honest realities of being human would no longer stand to be ignored. With a wild awakening, courtesy of some crisp Cascadian air, we were reminded of  what drew us to film school in the first place, and decided to collaborate on projects that dug at the heart of life.

This blog is a way for you to keep us company.  It's a way for us to share our process and our happy tangents, while our more substantive collaborative efforts take shape.

hearts and flowers,
ari & chels


  1. Ahhhh......a place that gives voice to the undercurrents of creative longing! Your lovely corner gives permission to step back from our tenuous daily functions and walk into some FRESH! Thanks Dolls - Need it so bad!

  2. i love this. keep at it please. until i can muster the time and resolve, i'll live vicariously through your exploits :)

    1. :) Ahh, well - as long as I can count on you to be my one avid follower, I SHALL PERSIST! {you'rrrre the best. i hope you know}
